Ready to Join the Coast to Coast Flips Group?

A Facebook group where Amazon sellers come to share GREAT LEADS and get SUPPORT!

Learn more below!

What’s Included?

Great Leads
Low Competition

The Details

  • Sales rank less than 100k

    Minimum $5 Profit

    At least 50% ROI

    Price must match low FBA price

    Amazon is not on the listing

    Not a clearance/ coupon/ sale item

    Bought in the last 30 days

    Must be eligible to sell

  • Members mush share at least one lead each month that meets all of the lead requirements.

    Members must share their first lead within 14 days of joining the group.

    Leads shared in the group must remain in the group.

    Membership fees are non-refundable, but you may cancel at any time by signing in to your Coast to Coast Account.

  • We also include our step by step ungating techniques to help members succeed!

  • Everyone wants a sustainable item that they can replen, which is why we put a strong emphasis on Keepa! We include a Keepa graph on the leads sharing document that every member has access to. We will also let you know if the product on the list is know to file IP Complaints, using IP Alert for added security and knowledge.

  • Our group will NEVER exceed 100 members, which lowers the overall competition on the leads shared in the group.

  • We know what it’s like to be an Amazon Seller and watch all the fees add up, which is why we want to keep our group affordable!

  • All leads shared in the Facebook group will be consolidated on a leads list that every member will have access to! The list will go live on the 1st of each month and will remain active until the end of the month. 

  • Mostly RA with some OA sprinkled in. This group is great for new and established sellers

Every month

Get Access to Great Leads like these!

Smile arrow orange
Smile arrow orange

Message from Erica & Jeanette

We created the Flips group to offer great leads, with low competition at an affordable price! We can’t wait to welcome you in.

What members are saying:

C2C Review
c2c flip review

Join the Coast to Coast FLIPS Group Today!

Every month

Reminder - We have a 100 member limit! Secure your spot TODAY! In the event that the group is full be sure to join the waitlist.

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